Do you have a plan? Most companies spend a considerable amount of time, energy, and money planning what to do and how to do it.
Viral Marketing, Let’s See How it Works
The 7 Elements of a Viral Video Campaign
The biggest problem most websites have is that they are instantly forgettable. They sell or say the same thing as hundreds or thousands of other sites; to an audience that is so quick to click-away that a large percentage of their traffic never appreciates why they should buy anything or listen to what’s being said.
Create A Branded Website Host
The Web has gradually transformed itself from a haven for socially dysfunctional misanthropes and programming savants into a grand social and business networking environment. The popularity of MySpace, Facebook, LinkedIn and all their various clones serves as evidence that people want to connect to other people. The fact that the Web is a cold, remote, isolated world oddly enhances, and actually encourages the building of relationships.
Cache’s Web-Marketing Manifesto
Who is Cache and what can he do for you? Cache is a digital construct created to inform, enlighten, and entertain Web-marketers interested in learning how best to market on the Web.
8 Things That Motivate Web-Audience Response
It’s always a good idea to stick to the basics. When businesses stray too far from the fundamentals, problems arise, but sticking to the basics doesn’t mean boring people into a state of unconsciousness. If Web-visitors’ eyes glaze-over upon entering your site, you’ve lost them before you’ve begun.
Turn Knowledge Into Sales: Discover Hidden Web-Profits
Your company’s collective knowledge and know-how is its greatest asset not the products or services you offer; products and services are merely the means to implement your expertise. Your capacity to grow and prosper is dependent on your ability to effectively present your know-how in creative, informative, entertaining, understandable, and above all memorable ways.
Successful Brands Are Based On Great Themes
A true brand is a metaphor for desire, a container for aspirations and the promise of fulfillment. We are all the same, each of us searching for the same things and they aren’t keywords. Most businesses think way too narrowly; too focused on the concrete instead of the psychological. Branding like history is based on enduring themes, the universal hardwired predilections that form our basic needs and wants, whether for business or pleasure.
Enhancing Web Effectiveness With Audio Sound Design
The average person is exposed to an assault of stimuli each and every moment of our waking day. Some of this stimulus catches our attention, but much is filtered out as extraneous, useless, or unimportant. This filtering is our way of handling the constant barrage of information we endure. As marketers it is our job to cut through all the meaningless, random white noise of life and penetrate the consciousness of our targeted audience with our marketing messages.
Priming The Mental Pump: A Branding Experience
When I was a kid in grade school, if your penmanship was up to par, you were given a straight pen. My guess is most people today have never used a straight pen or even a fountain pen. You really have to be ancient or a pen freak to bother. But what I remember most, is the frustration of using a new nib, it seemed to take forever to get it working by cleaning the nib and priming it with ink. Without priming the nib first all you had was a pointed stick, useless for writing, let alone anything else.
Web-Content Conundrum
The Web consumes content like a teenager at an all-you-can-eat buffet. Lots and lots of content makes you more search engine friendly, helps establish your knowledge and expertise, explains in detail what you offer, and justifies that offer with all the explanations, statistics, and rationale you can muster. The problem is nobody reads it.